Friday, November 24, 2006

The rockin' youth camps...

I took this video during the last youth camp that the kids in my community planned and held. I hope you can tell from the video (A) how AWESOME the location is (between 2 volcanoes and a national park) and (B) how FABULOUS the kids and school director are from my community in terms of planning and executing leadership events like this. They usually have camps like this frequently (1-2 per month) and hold them all over the country! I really feel like they are the best in the country, and for that matter, probably in all of Central America. And they're planned by the peeps in MY SITE!! How lucky am I??

I'm planning a youth camp for February with other volunteers (right now there are 35 interested) where volunteers can bring kids from their communities and we can discuss thinking outside the box. It's something that's not taught or talked about in this culture, so it will be really awesome if we can pull it off. Life-changing type stuff for the kids that attend. And, I'm trying to hold it right here in this location. So, we'll see.

Anyway, thought you might be interested to see what types of youth activities are going on down here...I'm super lucky, huh?!

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