Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Click for MONEY!!

This is going to be short and sweet. This guy named Mason Gentry in California was inspired by and thus created a website with a Peace Corps twist. The idea is that Peace Corps volunteers around the world can post entries (like this blog) and earn money from the advertising $$ that Mason raises. So, everytime that someone visits my particular page, we (my community and I) will received X percentage of the advertising $$.

For example, if there are 3 PC volunteers writing, and I get 100 visits, PCV2 gets 200 visits, and PCV3 gets 300 visits, I will get 1/6 (100/600) of the advertising money, PCV2 will get 1/3 (200/600) of the advertising money, and PCV3 will get 1/2 (300/600) of the advertising money. Mason will get some too, but for explanation purposes, I left him out.

Anyway, so...I´m trying this out. I am the first author, so I don´t think there is much advertising out there at the moment, but we`ll see how it works over the next couple of months. on this website from time to time (The link is located on the right-hand side of this blog) so I can see if it´s going to generate anything!!

Thanks, all!!


Laurie said...


I truly hate to endorese click fraud because it undermines the system and makes google and yahoo! look bad, but this is a very worthy cause. Why not send your link to the FoES listserv?

Anonymous said...

LAME BLOG! Alright though, I'm gonna check it out just so you can get f*ckin internet in your site.

blah, blah, blah...

What are you and Adolfo doing for Semana Santa? Not living like a PCV for sure...