Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Research and humor...

So, today I've been busy researching average salaries, types of work, gangs, immigrant statistics, blah blah blah. I want to put together a presentation to illustrate the America that people here DON'T see. Anyway, I've gotten a lot of good information, but while I was working, I had a short conversation with my baby bro. I tell ya...always some good entertainment when he's around. Here is just a snippet of our conversation...
BabyBro: Speaking of keeping people away, is your village still faking the volcano eruption to keep you out of town?

Me: My village is housing all the refugees, but all the people that live in my village have left. So what does that tell you?

BabyBro: That everyone is moving further away than where they currently lived so everyone reduces their risk of excruciating death by the same percentage.

Me: I guess that's one way to look at it...

BabyBro: How are the landslides treating you?

Me: Well. It FINALLY stopped raining, so we haven't had many problems...recently. I think things are calming down. You know...for your visit and all.

BabyBro: Yeah, things always seem to work out for the favorite child.

Me: You're so slow [at typing]

BabyBro: I send complete thoughts in packets of information, as opposed to a fragmented thought process that lacks logic and foresight. "How do you represent women so realistically?" "I think of a man, and take away all reason and accountability."

Me: You're in BIG TROUBLE, buddy!! I think this conversation might be worthy enough to post on my blog.

BabyBro: I made the cut!
So, I guess I've had my humor for the day. It's possible that you need to know my brother to find this humorous; I don't know. But it's still highly entertaining for me.

Also, I received some pretty funny responses from friends and family regarding the whole underwear search. Some of the comments are below:

From friend Matt:
Wow. And I am only going to say this once, but the whole underwear thing: You were the POSTER CHILD for why you CAN'T try on panties before you buy them.

You have inadvertently led me to the SINGLE example in the history of mankind of "why guys are cleaner than women." Trying on undies, then not buying them is like wiping someone else's butt! No way dude! Buy them in a sterile package, know that no one has intentionally or inadvertently . . . dirtied them (especially important for men with the hygiene skills of a three year old), then put them back for an unsuspecting customer to buy and wear! Nope, I want to know that no one else's body odor, body hair, PAD!!!, or body ANYTHING has ever touched my undies.

Just one man's opinion. By the way, I do hope you are enjoying your new skivvies!

From friend and former PCV Karen:
Funny thing about Peace Corps, it makes you forget exactly what "too much information" is.

The trying on of underwear is a squeamish enough thing, but I'm sure you lost half of the audience at the pads (the male half). Lots of underwear stories in Peace Corps.

My two favorite:

  1. On our 101 Uses for Duct Tape list: "Line your underwear with duct tape. Then, just wipe it off when needed."
  2. One time I was line-drying my underwear and excused myself from a group by saying "I've got to go flip my underwear." They thought I was turning the pair I was wearing inside out! I got a bad reputation after that.....

That's my life right now. Research and humor from friends and family. :)

Miss you all! I love all of your funny emails!

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